We finally found parts for our turntable and it now works (we had to have the parts shipped from Germany). We went to a bunch of garage sales this weekend and found "Purple Rain" and a bunch of 80's goodies to add to our collection. I still think vinyl records sound better than anything else out there!! I taught some college accounting courses a few years ago and I had lots of students who had never listened to an actual record. I think they should bring them back!!! I remember when we had to stand in line at a record store to buy a new release. We used to just buy the small 45 records with one hit song on them because you could buy them for 99 cents each (which was a lot of money in the 80's because in high school I used to work for $3.15 an hour).
ETA: Just in case any of my students are following my blog I posted a picture of a record so that you know what one looks like :)
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