If the truth be know right about now.........I would much rather be blogging. My website guy would likely wish I would as well. This new concept of mine and it's necessary detail is going to put both of us over the top. I do wish at times that I wasn't so particular, but then it wouldn't be A Gift Wrapped Life. You do know that name is kind of a pun, don't you? Especially right now! I am so not slacking.

If you are looking for wrapping flaws, you will find them. This is just a prep shot where I make sure the elements that will make up this Bird Perch gift wrap ensemble will look the way I hope when the really good photographer comes in with all his fancy lights and zoom lenses. But it does tell me that these two papers and these ribbon choices will work. The two colours in the same pattern are simply beautiful together. Each gift wrap ensemble, and there are 18-30 of them, will have 4-6 sheets of gift wrap and 3 - 6 ribbon choices (about 20-30 yards total) so that you can wrap a good assortment of small or large gifts. That larger gift shown above takes 3 yards of ribbon, so though 20-30 yards of ribbon sounds like a lot it is enough to properly wrap your gifts and turn into a gift wrap goddess. All this gift wrap and ribbon will wrap up a fair amount of gifts depending on the sizes, I know this for a fact........I've been doing them for days. The ensembles will range from $29.00 to $69.00 depending on the ribbon for that collection. I do know one thing.........this concept is going to make your gift wrapped life a lot easier and a lot more pretty. Wait until you see the presentation box that these collections come in......my favorite part.
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